Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yosemite National Park

Up at the crack of dawn, we readied ourselves for the 4 hour bus trip to Yosemite National Park. Touring the country side with Extranomical Tours, we made our way through the winding hills, the corn fields (well, on the road anyway) and climbed high into the mountains, before descending on Yosemite.

Ooooh....aaaaahhhh....WOW's filled the bus over and over again, as the bus approached breathtaking views of the valley below. Stopping for a couple of quick breaks and walking trails, we took in the wonderful scenery, snapping happily as often as we could. The steep drop from some of the lookouts were death defying, however, our tour guide assured us that many people from all walks of life had climbed them, or attempted to in the past.....not for us!

Arriving at the lodge for a break and some lunch, Kate and I decided we'd go for a wander and try to cool our heels in the river flowing nearby (and what a great decision that turned out to be). Of the 28 people on board, we were the only ones to wander around the park in the hour and half we had for lunch, taking in the two bridges, the meadows, the wonderful views that surrounded us (the mountains, ridges etc) and the beautiful green water, that chilled our feet.....wonderful! Hopping back on the bus, Roman, our tour guide, drove us back up to through the mountain, towards the Giant Sequoias, massive trees that grow in the forests nearby.

After a mile walk, descending down 450 feet, very rapidly we might add, we found these wonders of nature. These trees are thousands of years old, nothing equal to anything I've ever seen before. Massive trunks shot up from the ground, high into the sky. Photographs couldn't do these things justice. Following the trail a little further, we found one that had fallen over a hundred years ago. With tourists climbing and clambering all over this tree trunk, we decided to take a few "happy snaps" to join in the fun! With the scorching sun bearing down on us, it was time to head back to the bus!

What an eventful day!!! One that won't be forgotten in a while. For the 4 hours it took to get to the park, it was definitely worthwhile......

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