Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Quebec - the finale!

Waking early to another glorious day (no rain.....yet.....forecast for it....fingers crossed!!), we made our way downtown via the $2 bus....great value (all day bus....very good for tourists!!!). Deciding to be a little lazy - and to take in the view in style, we took the cable car up the mountain side, admiring the view (and having a couple of girls in the car with us freak out - what is the next generation coming to?)
Once at the top we headed towards Parliament building, stopping along the way to "shop" for a few bargains at the many tents that had been set up in aid of celebrating "artistic Quebec".
Parliament building was a magnificent building, with statues, fountains and wonderful gardens surrounding it. After admiring it from the outside, taking a few quick snaps, we moved on to the observatory tower, to take in a great view of Old Quebec city and the area surrounding it.
After a quick haul up the elevator to the 31st floor, we parted with $5 each, admiring the 360 degree views the observatory provided us with, as well as using the binoculars to pick out interesting points/attractions surrounding the city.
On the way down, we noticed on the map a rather interesting sight - a chocolate museum....yummy!!! Holding each other back with excitement, we ducked into the shop for a quick look and snack. An interesting movie played throughout our time in the museum / store - very good (you'll have to see for yourself!).
Stopping for lunch in a wonderful park area (Artillery park), we were quickly told there would be a military demonstration, where a musket would be fired. After watching the gun go off, we toured the sight, taking in the archaelogical history of the site, then admired the architecture and interior layout of the two separate buildings, the governors quarters / house and the barracks for the French / English. We sampled some of the bread that had been baked earlier that morning (delicious!), then posed for a few snap shots around the area.
Thinking we'd done pretty well with the sights we covered, we headed to the Fort Museum to watch a sound and light show depicting the wars of Quebec from 1608 until current day. Fascinating and informative.
With the rain starting to fall, we tried to find some shelter, but like the other 15,000 tourists around the area, we all seemed to have the same idea! Every inch of dry space was full with tourists, including the phone booths - rather amusing. Catching a bus home (3 of them were completely full, we finally squeezed on), watching the rain pelt down - thank goodness we were finally dry!
It's time to head back to Ottawa for a day and a half - then it's off to the West Coast of the States! YAHOO!!!

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