Thursday, August 14, 2008

San Diego, Sea World and Shamu….

Arriving in San Diego to a wonderful blue sky, warm beach going weather and to a host of Spanish speaking people, we headed to the hostel….ready for our San Diego adventure.

Taking a stroll around town, we wondered how we were going to spend our afternoon – what could we do – hmmmm – SEA WORLD! Jumping on a trolley and then a bus, we soon arrived to Sea World – home of the world famous “SHAMU”.

Shamu is an orca / killer whale that WOWS crowds 5-6 times a day with natural behaviour / acrobatic tricks and the world famous specialty (and a crowd pleaser) the Shamu slam. The massive arena was bursting at the seams with people cheering and waiting in anticipation for the show (we arrived five minutes prior to the show, sitting in one of the front rows, with everyone wearing a waterproof jacket…..uh oh).

Turning around, we soon realised we were in the SOAK ZONE – labelled as such. Maybe not a good idea after all! The three Orcas performed many amazing tricks, with the crowd pleaser – the Shamu Slam getting crowd involvement, before a massive Orca tail appeared out of the water, shooting water 10-12 rows back into the crowd – we were drenched!!!!

Meandering through the rest of the park, we found ourselves up close and personal with walruses (massive), polar bears, sharks, dolphins etc.

Taking in the wonderful night time show of the Orcas (yeah we watched 2 for the day!), we again sat near the front – heeding all warnings that the night show was wetter than the day – who would have thought we’d end up wetter than earlier in the day! A great first up experience here!

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