Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 29 - SNOW!!!!

Yep - you read it right! Last night around 10pm (so technically the 28th) 20cm of snow fell in Ottawa city region. The car was again covered, with Kate and I having to break out the old "ice-scraper", gloves, scarves, beanies (toques here) and get the car ready for the day ahead.
Luckily we woke early this morning, as the power had also gone through the night. They say the snow may not last until Halloween - but it is cold enough at the moment....who knows!

It was awesome being able to drive through the city and out to work again seeing the magnificent white powder on the trees, covering everything from the ground to the many houses.
Maybe a good opportunity to make a snow man.....who knows.....

But a surprise to us - considering it only stopped 6 months ago.....a pleasant surprise!

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