Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve! Christmas Day!

Opening the curtains this morning we woke to another snow storm, this time it looked as though it would be settling in for some time. Big snow flakes filled the sky and surrounding areas - meaning it would be a white christmas for us, no matter what happens!

Deciding it was best to avoid the wintery weather, we headed down to the shopping district (Robson Street) to pick up a few small gifts for one another, then to meet up with Kiwi - farewelling her (if her flight gets off the ground!)

We headed back to the hotel and gave our parents a quick buzz before taking a few "touristy" shops in. A night in looked the best scenario (with everything closing due the christmas holiday)

Christmas day came (without presents!!) so we headed in to town to see the famous Vancouver Aquarium - seeing Beluga whales & baby on show - there were a few people in there - but not the usual crowds. Kate wasn't feeling too crash hot, so we stayed for a short while, before moving on to the Totem poles in Stanley Park. A short walk followed - taking us into the early afternoon, but with Kate getting worse by the minute, we headed back to the hotel for a cruisy afternoon and evening - maybe all the rush and energy sapping activities had finally caught up with us!

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