Sunday, December 14, 2008

Another week down - leaving us with only a short time left in Ottawa - boy has this year flown!

This week gave us a bit of everything - 45cm of snow, bus cancellations (OC Transpo & school buses = snow day!) and -22 temperatures (making it sooooo much fun to go sliding with the kids on the field), a great way to end our time here!!

The kids in my class surprised me with a MASSIVE black forest cake to farewell me - which was lovely (told them it was a week too early, they laughed!). It is going to be a wonderful final week with them, I didn't realise I would develop such a strong bond with them - a great bunch of kids, that will be dearly missed, that's for sure!!!!

Friday night took us out to dinner with good friends - Leslie and Marc. Driving out to Kanata, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner with the two of them - that had the beer flowing freely, the ribs & wings arriving quickly (and the hockey playing in the background, a true Canadian experience). To keep it really Canadian, we again witnessed the Sens lose - quite heavily, going down 5-1 (scoring a very late consolation goal.....) It was great to be able to catch them, as they will be dearly missed!!!!
An early start Saturday morning had us all over town, tying up loose ends and catching up with a few more people before we head off. After a hectic day, we headed out to the Jack Donohue staff christmas function, which was held at Monique's. Most of the staff were there - which was great - allowing us to catch up with people, take a few pics and enjoy the evening. To our surprise (Kate, Michelle and myself) we were invited to participate in a game, titled JEOPARDY EH! Questions related to:

* What we should know (Aussie / Kiwi facts)
* Moosic
* Jack Donohue
* Politics and more

It was quite funny, with Todd supplying each of us with a wild animal call (Kate - duck, Michelle - wild turkey and me - a deer grunt....very funny!) After answering most questions right (and having a few amusing moments with others), we ended the game, with the staff presenting us with a gift and card. It was wonderful.

The drinks continued to flow until late in the evening.

Sunday we met up with Kate's nannying family giving us the chance to farewell them, with the girls, Alex & Sydney giving Kate an ornament for our Christmas tree. We were then continued to be spoiled by our wonderful neighbours on Dundee Avenue, who put together a wonderful afternoon tea / farewell supper, which was lovely. It was great to have everyone in the same place.

It is going to be a very busy / hectic week, but a sad one as well. It has been an eventful year here. There are mixed feelings about leaving, but it will be great to see family and friends (in mid Jan!)

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