Sunday, September 28, 2008

Montebello & Parc-o-mega

After a bit of a sleep in (due to being up to 5am) we made our way north towards Montebello - with the girls excited at the prospect of going to a "Jurassic park" style park - where you drive through acres upon acres of Canadian Wildlife.

Upon arrival (it was my 4th time, Kate's 5th - so seasoned campaigners), we were informed that we were not to feed the buffalo / bison AND the deer with antlers - with no explanation why (every other time we've been able to). Purchasing some carrots - we again asked why we could not feed them - and were given a very good reason (read below)

Heading outdoors to see raccoons, fox and mink - we continually heard an eerie / prehistoric high pitched squeal - that was rather odd - from the distance. Claire was a little "freaked out" and was asking if we were going to get out alive.

As we jumped in the car, we moved closer towards the eerie sounds (the male Elk were in mating season and released the call to force the females to stay within their area, as well as a cry to ward off other male elks from the area). We had a couple of "close encounters" where the male elk began chasing the car - from a walk, to a canter, then a little bit quicker, before us leaving them in a cloud of dust......

An eventful day was had - as many of the trees had begun to show an array of colours, with greens, oranges, yellows and reds brightening the surrounding areas, making it slightly less creepy!
2 hours quickly passed (with many laughs and loads of drool from the deer entering the car!)
As we were taking a few quick snaps of the entry - a rather ear piercing human shriek came from the park - with the paramedics arriving soon after - another unsuspecting tourist nabbed by the vicious elk.....bison....bear.....or the nasty little minks (that have big signs saying DO NOT FEED OR HANG OVER EDGE - MINK BITE)....we will always wonder....

Then we headed towards Ottawa, where we ate dinner at Blue Cactus - in the byward market area - then headed home for a few beers, laughs and a bit of sleep!

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