Sunday, April 20, 2008

Shanna's Kingston Expedition

Where do we go when the hot weather arrives? KINGSTON!!! A 2-hour drive south of Ottawa, Kingston is home to the 1000 islands, as well as Fort Henry and a few other attractions (none of which we saw, as we are back there mid June).

Shanna, a colleague from work, invited us to spend the weekend with her family (who live on the outskirts of town with a beautiful view of the lake!).
After a short drive, we arrived, then made our way into town! Shanna, a wonderful tour guide, gave us an insight into Kingston life, taking us down the main street (Princess) and venturing in to a few of the local hotspots.

The weather heated up rather quickly, so we made our way to White Mountain - home of the best ice-cream in the world - hard to argue - it was excellent!!!

Walking up and down the main street and taking in the magnificent views of the pier and local areas, we made our way to the local LCBO (beer store) to stock up for the evening ;)
Shanna took us out for dinner on the patio at "piggy's" - which was wonderful.

Sunday: After a wonderfully cooked breakfast - ok - eggs on toast - but cooked by Shanna, we made our way towards the Chaffey's lock - recommended by Bob - Shanna's dad. A great setting for lunch. A wonderful weekend and a place that we will definitely revisit in the not too distant future.

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