Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Granville Island

Another good sleep in allowed us to rest up before embarking on a long day of touring Vancouver. Arriving at the bus stop, we met up with Kiwi, before heading to Granville Island, home to the famous Vancouver markets, for both adults & kids!
With the wintery weather well and truly set in, we had to wait a bit longer than usual for the bus, as they are having more and more difficulty trying to combat the slushy conditions (they don't usually get this much snow here!) Touring throughout the markets, we saw many Native shops, which had some fantastic items - including Inukshuks, Totem poles, carvings, paintings and tapestries, very cool!

A quick bite to eat followed (delicious food!) before we headed into the kids market - it had to be done!!! The bus came again, so we headed back downtown, before transferring onto another bus - which took us to Stanley Park.

The park is massive - with the Aquarium, Totem poles, Christmas lights / train and plenty of walking trails and sights to see throughout. With snow covering most (if not all) of the park, we had many opportunities to do "snow angels" but declined, due to the fact our feet were frozen. It is a different cold here compared to Ottawa - very wet cold - therefore making it slushy. Taking in the park, we wandered around, then jumped on the Christmas lights train, which was put on by the Fire Brigade of Vancouver. The lights were well set up and had many families, tourists and couples wandering through admiring the many different scenes. A good day.

Departing Stanley Park in the early evening, we headed to the Old Spaghetti Factory which was located in the gas town district. A beautiful meal soon followed, before we stumbled up and down the area, stopping at a few shops to take in the "touristy side of things"- so stuffed full of food!

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