Apologies for not writing after my first day of school at Jack Donohue Public - I had so much to
get my head around, i forgot to post - so it is now at the end of Day 2.....both of which have been very exciting!
Day One: Accents 101
Arrived early in the morning (courtesy of my wonderful tour guide / taxi driver / friendly young lady - Leslie!!!) as our car arrangements hadn't been officially finalised. Was given a quick tour of the school before embarking on my first day at school. With the warmer weather we are experiencing - also called a "false Spring" - it was like a group of penguins shuffle across the ice trying to navigate the slippery ice filled area - that we (in Oz) refer to as a "car park"
Luckily for me - i wasn't the only "newbie" starting to teach this year - with a handful of locals and another international - Kiwi Michelle - and yes - we've been giving each other plenty of stuck (stick when anyone else says it he he he - that one is for you Sandy!!!)
Met the kids at 9:15 - yes - we start school later!!!! Takes the kids a little while to get ready for class - what with having to remove all of their snow gear and all!!! (also have 2 x 45 minute breaks - finishing the day at 3:45).....which is pretty sweet.....nearly dark with fog, rain and snow most days - but exciting.....except we can't throw snowballs at school - well - you can - just don't let the kids see you he he he he.....:) - i'm terrible....
Got things underway - 30 children in the room - all grade 6 - so far so good. Friendly and chatty bunch of kids - but going to be a good laugh for the best part of 6 months.
Day went quickly - as we were all trying to understand one another - they like my accent - especially when i say "no worries" or "thanks mate!!"
A good day was had.
Day 2: Intros & Brekky
Another good start to the day - welcomed into the staff room with cookies, chocolate, muffins, pancakes and anything else that you can want to eat at 8:00am - most people indulged - too sweet (and too early) for me this time......look out Fridays.....going to be great!!
The very young and social staff have been wonderful involving both myself and Kate in their lives thus far! They are both helpful and friendly and we are both looking forward to being involved with them over the coming year!!!!
Looking forward to picking up our car on Thursday.....exciting - has taken us a while to secure some car insurance (over 30 phone calls - due to local regulations with licences etc) but it has finally been secured!!!!! Very exciting.....photos to come - promise....
Hope everyone is well - will post pics of school once the snow returns - as it is melting, dirty and there is ice everywhere....plus i keep forgetting the camera - so excuses will do for now!!!